Creating Native Landscapes in the Northern Great Plains and Rocky Mountains
Extensive brochure discusses the use of native plants, their requirements and care and incorporating them into your landscape.
Fire & Your Landscape
Firescaping resources for Montana homeowners discussing firewise plant material for the northern Rocky Mountains.
Missoula County Plant Diagnostics Database
This diagnostic database contains information about many common Missoula County plants, and the pests and diseases which affect them. It provides the Missoula County Extension Services / Missoula County Integrated Pest Management Committee guidelines for both pest monitoring and least toxic options for management of pests and diseases in the landscape and garden.
Montana Native Plants for Pollinator-Friendly Plantings
Brochure from the USDA that discusses native plants that attract pollinators and beneficials. It discusses good plant choices in shrubs and flowers.
USDA Plants Database
The PLANTS Database provides standardized information about the vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the U.S. and its territories.
Xeriscape™ Colorado
Xeriscape™ Colorado is a program of the Colorado WaterWise Council. Xeriscape promotes creative approaches to water conserving landscapes by helping people improve their landscapes and to reduce the need for water, maintenance and other resources.