Plant Selection

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Plant Catalog


Mahonia aquifolium (Berberis aquifolium)
Oregon Grape Holly
Photo 1   
Evergreen shrub producing deep, glossy, holly-like foliage on erect branches. Blue, grape-like berries follow clusters of yellow flowers in late spring.
Growth Rate:  Medium
Maximum Height: 4-6 ft.
Maximum Width: 4-6 ft.
Zone: 4-6
Type: Hardy
Flower Color: Yellow
Flower Time: April
  Plant Type:  Evergreen
Growth Habit:  Medium Shrub
Water Req.:  Medium
Light Req.:  Partial
Soil Req.:  Light-Medium
Plant Catalog classifications
Water Requirements (H20)
Wet = Saturate, withstands flood
Medium = Moist, requires good drainage
Dry = Drought tolerant, minimal water
Soil Types
Light = sandy
Medium = loam
Heavy = clay