Plant Selection

Our complete Plant Catalog is available as a PDF document or you may search the catalog below.

Plant Catalog


Picea glauca var. densata
Black Hills Spruce
Extremely hardy, drought tolerant conifer, with thick spreading dense branches covered by green needles. Grows tighter and with less air space in between branches. Excellent wind break species.
Growth Rate:  Slow
Maximum Height: 80-100 ft.
Maximum Width: 8-10 ft.
Zone: 3-6
Type: Native
Flower Color: N/A
Flower Time: N/A
  Plant Type:  Evergreen
Growth Habit:  Tree
Water Req.:  Medium-Dry
Light Req.:  Sun, Partial
Soil Req.:  Light-Heavy
Plant Catalog classifications
Water Requirements (H20)
Wet = Saturate, withstands flood
Medium = Moist, requires good drainage
Dry = Drought tolerant, minimal water
Soil Types
Light = sandy
Medium = loam
Heavy = clay